Reye Syndrome

Reye syndrome is a rare condition that may follow an upper respiratory infection or a case of varicella (chickenpox) and can affect the liver, brain, pancreas, kidney, heart and muscle.


Reptile-Associated Salmonellosis

Salmonella is a bacterium that causes an infection called salmonellosis in the intestines. Increasingly, rare types have been identified in persons who have had no other apparent exposures other than contact with pet reptiles.


When You Swim, Swim Healthy

Swimming, one of the most popular activities in Las Vegas, is a fun, active, and healthy way to spend leisure time. Every year, people visit “recreational water” sites, such as swimming pools, water parks, hot tubs, lakes and rivers.



Rabies is a disease of the nervous system caused by a virus. It usually results from an exposure to an animal with rabies.



Plague is caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, which is carried by fleas that feed on infected rodents.


Tos Ferina (Pertussis)

La tos ferina es una enfermedad respiratoria bacterial contagiosa. Aunque la tos ferina puede ser una enfermedad leve en niños mayores y adultos, en niños más pequeños se puede complicar con neumonía y ocasionalmente con inflamación del cerebro. En casos aislados puede provocar la muerte (especialmente en niños menores de 1 año).


Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Pertussis is a contagious, bacterial respiratory disease. Although pertussis may be a mild disease in older children and adults, in younger children this disease can be complicated by pneumonia and occasionally inflammation of the brain.



The noroviruses, also sometimes referred to as Norwalk-like viruses, are a group of viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.



as paperas son una enfermedad causada por un virus. El virus se multiplica en la nariz y en las glándulas linfáticas antes de propagarse a otras áreas del cuerpo, entre las que se cuentan las glándulas salivales, el páncreas, los testículos y los ovarios.


Estafilococo aureus resistente a la meticilina (MRSA)

MRSA es la sigla en inglés para el Estafilococo aureus resistente a la meticilina, una bacteria que ha desarrollado una resistencia a la mayoría de los antibióticos que comúnmente se usan para combatir las infecciones por estafilococos. Entre estos medicamentos se encuentran la meticilina, oxacilina, nafcilina, cefalosporina, imipenem y otras betalactamsas.


Sarampión (Rubéola)

El sarampión es una infección viral muy contagiosa que la mayoría de las veces se produce al final del invierno y en la primavera. Existen antecedentes de sarampión desde el siglo VII.


Measles (Rubeola)

Measles is a very contagious viral infection that occurs most often in the late winter and spring. There are references to measles as early as the 7th century.



Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted by the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito.



Listeriosis is a serious infection caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes.


Illegal “Medical” Facility Investigation

On September 30, 2015, the FBI and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers conducted a raid at a house located at 4928 E. Monroe Ave., Las Vegas, Nevada, 89110. A person identifying himself as Rick Van Thiel or “Dr. Rick” was providing unlicensed medical services. The individual was not licensed to practice medicine.


HPV Vaccine Questions and Answers

In June 2006, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer and other diseases in females caused by certain types of genital human papillomavirus (HPV). The vaccine, Gardasil®, protects against four HPV types, which together cause 70 percent of cervical cancers and 90 percent of genital warts.


Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Genital HPV is a common virus that is passed on through genital contact, most often during vaginal and anal sex. About 40 types of HPV can infect the genital areas of men and women.


“Sarpullido de la tina” Dermatitis o foliculitis por pseudomonas

El sarpullido de la tina o dermatitis es una infección de la piel. Puede tener picazón en la piel y luego una erupción roja abultada que puede volverse sensible. También puede haber ampollas llenas de pus, que por lo general rodean los folículos capilares. Dado que un traje de baño puede hacer que el agua contaminada permanezca en contacto con la piel durante mucho tiempo, la erupción puede ser más severa en el área cubierta por el traje de baño.


“Hot Tub Rash” Pseudomonas Dermatitis/Folliculitis

Hot Tub Rash or dermatitis is an infection of the skin. The skin may become itchy and progress to a bumpy red rash that may become tender. There may also be pus-filled blisters that are usually found surrounding hair follicles. Because a swimsuit can keep contaminated water in longer contact with the skin, the rash may be worse under a person’s swimsuit.


Hepatitis C

La hepatitis C es una enfermedad del hígado causada por el virus hepatitis C. La hepatitis C es una de las enfermedades mas comunes (pero no la única) que se puede contraer por medio de una transfusión de sangre en los Estados Unidos.


Hepatitis A (Hepatitis Infecciosa)

¿Qué es la hepatitis A? La hepatitis A es una enfermedad causada por el virus de la hepatitis A que resulta en la inflamación del hígado. La hepatitis solía ser conocida como hepatitis infecciosa. En los niños, la enfermedad es usualmente ligera, pero la mayoría de los adultos que desarrollan la hepatitis están lo suficientemente enfermos como para perder de cuatro a seis semanas de trabajo.


Hepatitis A (Infectious Hepatitis)

What is hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is a disease caused by the hepatitis A virus that results in inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis used to be known as infectious hepatitis. In children the disease is usually mild, but most adults who develop hepatitis are sick enough to miss four to six weeks of work.


The Five Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a common disease that inflames the liver, an important organ for metabolism and breaking down food in the digestive system. To date, there are at least five different types of viral hepatitis: A, B, C, D and E.


Seis “pedidos” para la natación saludable

Tener comportamientos saludables al practicar natación es necesario para protegerse usted y proteger a sus hijos de las RWI. Además, esto evitará desde el principio que los gérmenes ingresen en la piscina. A continuación presentamos seis “pedidos” que promueven la natación saludable.


Flu Prevention

It’s always better to prevent, rather than treat an illness. By following three simple guidelines, you can greatly reduce your chance of getting the flu:


Gripe H1N1

La influenza porcina (gripe porcina) es una enfermedad respiratoria de los cerdos causada por el virus de la influenza tipo A, el cual provoca brotes comunes de influenza entre estos animales. Los virus de la influenza porcina enferman gravemente a los cerdos pero las tasas de mortalidad son bajas. Estos virus pueden propagarse entre los cerdos durante todo el año, pero la mayoría de los brotes infecciosos ocurren en los meses finales del otoño e invierno, al igual que los brotes en las personas. El virus de la influenza porcina clásico (virus de la influenza H1N1 tipo A) fue aislado por primera vez de un cerdo en 1930.


Avian Flu

Bird flu is a disease caused by influenza (flu) viruses that infect birds throughout the world. Bird flu primarily infects wild birds, which usually do not become sick.


Seasonal Flu

The flu is a contagious respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Most healthy people recover from the flu without complications. However, in an average year, the flu causes 30,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations in the United States, mostly among people 65 years or older.


Healthy Swimming

Healthy swimming behaviors are needed to protect you and your kids from RWIs and will stop germs from getting in the pool in the first place. Here are six “pleas” that promote healthy swimming.


Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a serious respiratory disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings or saliva. Humans can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus.


Hansen’s Disease (leprosy)

Hansen’s disease (leprosy) is a chronic bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy is characterized by the involvement primarily of skin as well as peripheral nerves and the mucosa (lining) of the upper airway.


Hand Washing

Proper hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. There is more to hand washing than you think! Rub your hands together vigorously with warm, soapy water to remove dirt, oils and germs from the skin. The soapy lather traps the dirt, oil and germs, making them easier to wash away.


Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common illness of infants and children. HFMD is characterized by: Mild fever Poor appetite Malaise ("feeling sick") Sore throat Skin rash with blisters


Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Guillain-Barré (pronounced ghee-YAN bah-RAY) syndrome is a disease in which the body damages its own nerve cells (outside of the brain and spinal cord), resulting in muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.


Grilling Food Safely

Outdoor grilling is a favorite summertime activity, and increasingly is practiced year round. When cooking outside the kitchen, it particularly important to follow food safety guidelines that prevent harmful bacteria from causing foodborne illness.



Es una infección provocada por un parásito llamado Giardia lamblia. La giardiasis está presente en todo el mundo y es una causa común de diarrea en los Estados Unidos.



Giardiasis is an infection caused by a parasite called Giardia lamblia. Giardiasis has a worldwide distribution and is a common cause of diarrhea in the United States.


Rubella (German Measles)

Rubella (German measles) is a relatively mild, three-day illness that seldom leads to complications in children. However, when pregnant women get the disease during their first few months of pregnancy, it can become serious.


Viral Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis means inflammation of the stomach and small and large intestines. Viral gastroenteritis is an infection caused by a variety of viruses and results in vomiting or diarrhea.


Food Safety

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration offer consumers these guidelines for safe food handling and preparation:


Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos

Frecuentemente las enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos son llamadas intoxicaciones alimentarias. Esto occure cuando uno se enferma después de comer un alimento o beber una bebida contaminados con una sustancia tóxica.


Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illness is often called food poisoning. It occurs when someone becomes ill after eating a food or drinking a beverage contaminated with a harmful substance.



De 1900 a 1999, la expectativa de vida promedio de los estadounidenses aumentó en alrededor de 30 años. La mayor parte de este aumento es producto de una considrable mejora en las prácticas de salud pública.



From 1900 through 1999, the average American's lifespan has increased by about 30 years. Most of the increase in longevity stems from substantially better public health practices.


Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a viral infection that often affects red blood cells. It is caused by a human parvovirus (B19).


E. coli 0157:H7

E. coli es una bacteria que habitualmente vive en los intestinos de humanos y animales. A pesar de que la mayoría de las cepas de estas bacterias son inofensivas, se sabe que una en particular, conocida como E. coli 0157:H7, produce una toxina que puede provocar una enfermedad grave.

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