
Collect 2 Protect

Collect2Protect is a simple, convenient, and private STD testing service that uses a specimen you collect in the privacy of your own home, avoiding long waits in a waiting room. The Health District’s Office of Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance is committed to providing the community with the best way to determine exposure to a sexually transmitted disease. Knowing your status will empower you with the information needed to treat symptoms and help prevent the spread of STD's to any of your partner(s).


Prescriptions for a Healthy Lifestyle

The Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Program at the Southern Nevada Health District has created ‘Prescriptions for a Healthy Lifestyle’ to assist health care providers when talking to their patients about healthy lifestyle choices.


Foot Signs for Diabetes

Regular foot examinations can help prevent complications in people with diabetes. However, many diabetics do not regularly ask for an examination of their feet.


Medical Management

Bulletins, Reports & Statistics Antibiogram CDC Health Advisories Health Status Reports Newsletters Public Health Advisories Statistics, Surveillance & Reports [...]



Highly infectious patients can pose a public health threat as one patient can lead to the onset of a public health incident. Being prepared to respond and exercising the response is critical in protecting our nation’s public health


Health Care Professionals

Welcome to the health care provider section of the Southern Nevada Health District website. One of our priorities is to work with you and your colleagues to find creative and innovative solutions for meeting the many public health challenges presented by our rapidly growing community.

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