A Healthy Holiday

Holiday 2023

Cookies, cake and pie, oh my! The holidays are officially underway with healthy New Year’s Resolutions soon to follow. Why wait to eat better? Having a healthy meal for the holidays may be easier than you think. A healthy diet is essential for overall well-being. It protects you against many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. What are the keys to healthy nutrition? Get Healthy Clark County sums it all up in four easy to remember categories.

Healthy Habits

Everything we eat and drink matters. Focus on food variety, amount and nutritional quality. When shopping, select items from all five food groups – fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy. Learn more at www.MyPlate.gov. To fill up a healthy plate this holiday, and every day, your plate should look like this:

Reduce Sodium

Most Americans eat too much sodium (salt) without even knowing it. The average adult consumes about 3,400 mg/day, which is much higher than the recommended 2,300 mg. Too much sodium can increase your blood pressure and your risk for a heart attack and stroke.

You can reduce the salt in your diet by replacing it with herbs, spices, vinegars and citrus flavors to season your food. Try gradually cutting back on the salt you add to your food and your taste buds will adjust. Always read the labels on your food choices so you know just how much sodium you are consuming.

Cut your Sugary Beverages

Would you sit down and eat 10 teaspoons of sugar? That’s the amount in a 12 oz. can of regular soda! Sweetened coffee, teas, fruit juices and energy drinks can also be sources of large amounts of sugar. Replace sweetened beverages with water, unsweetened coffee or tea.

Shop Healthy

The grocery store can be tricky to navigate. When shopping, consider planning meals in advance, knowing what’s in your pantry, making a list, shopping the perimeter and reading the food labels. And, don’t shop while hungry!

Don’t get overwhelmed when trying to change up your diet. If you take it slow and focus on the four tips above, you can have a healthier holiday.

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